There’s something kinda magical that happens when we look at a photo of ourselves.

We see ourselves smiling, and we feel ourselves smile back. And then all of a sudden, we’re tumbling into a little pocket of memory. The way we felt as it was being taken, the rush of emotions that filled the moment and spilled either side. 

My work is authentic and honest, filled with movement, energy and life. 

Sometimes the moment might not be perfect, and the edges may be blurred. But when you look at the photos, you’ll feel yourself smiling back. And you’ll want to tumble into the memory again and again.

date night couple hug and smiling

Date Night

Remember how you felt when you first got together? How you’d talk for hours at a time; hold each other’s gaze just that little bit longer; squeeze their hand just that little bit tighter. And when you kissed? Ahhh! Electricity.  

My couples sessions are all about rediscovering that first date magic. A chance for you to turn your phones off, lose yourselves in each other’s company, and be present in the moment together. 

We’ll go for a walk in a forest, or along the beach. We’ll have some fun, I’ll play some music, and give you some ideas of what to do. But really, I just want to capture the way you are with each other. The little jokes you have, the way you hug, kiss, laugh. You know, you. 

I want you to look at the photos and see yourself the way they see you: beautiful, special, and loved.

From £85

"You’ve captured our energy perfectly!!"

Bridie & Joe
portrait empowerment photo

Self Love

My ‘Self Love’ sessions are a chance to put yourself first for a while, to celebrate yourself; time set aside entirely for you. 

We’ll go somewhere wild and beautiful; somewhere we can escape the rest of the world. Maybe a field, a forest, or a beach at sunset. We’ll play some music, have a chat, and get lost in the experience together. 

It’s difficult to tell you what happens after that, because every shoot is different. Some are emotional; some reflective and quiet; some filled with energy and laughter. 

But whatever happens, I promise you’ll come away feeling uplifted, empowered, and free. And with photos that bring you back to how each moment felt.

From £85

Are you ready for

your Adventure?